5 Reasons to Shop the HSC Trailer Route

Howard Supply strives to have the best customer service in the oil field industry. We offer the specialized products you need, when you need them at competitive prices. 

Here are our top 5 reasons to shop the HSC Trailer Route:

  1. With The HSC Trailer the supply store comes to you
  2. HSC Trailers make a weekly stop at your location free of charge
  3. HSC Staff adds an extra level of service by providing on site consulting on equipment and tools
  4. HSC trailers will add customer specific items to their stock to satisfy any customer’s needs
  5. Through the HSC trailer and staff the customer can be introduced to the many services HSC offers for the oil and gas industry.

We also stock your everyday “rope, soap, and dope” items that you will always need on-site. We have a combined 500 years of well servicing experience to help you make those tough decisions of what you need and when you need it. 

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